各位来宾、各位观众: 新年好! 灯会迎来四海客,盐城撒下满天星。
欢迎你们光临南国灯城,欢迎你们参观自贡国际恐龙灯会! 今夜,南国灯城光彩万丈,彩灯公园灯彩绽放,千年盐都被装扮得婀娜多姿,亿年龙乡被打扮得容光焕发。坚强、乐观、智慧的自贡人民将汗水与智慧融汇成这灯火交融的大观园,谱写出彩灯文化历史上动人的华彩乐章。
亲爱的观众,置身于这五彩斑斓的光彩世界,您一定会为“天下第一灯”的气势宏伟所震憾、玲珑精巧而惊呼,为灯会的如诗如画、 美仑美奂而叹为观止,您一定会被自贡灯会的设计制作人员的精湛技艺、聪明才智所深深折服。同时,您也会对实施这宏大工程的组织者和管理者产生由衷的谢意! 在自贡国际恐龙灯会筹备期间,中央、省、市,各有关方面及新闻界给予了极大的关注和支持,由四川省人民政府主办,四川省旅游局、四川省文化厅、自贡市人民政府共同承办本届灯会,自贡市民、中小学生、外国友人送灯参展,有关方面及各界群众对办好本届灯会提出了宝贵的建议,使我们对本届灯会的成功充满了信心。
在这灯会隆重展出之际,我们灯会指挥部全体人员,向大力支持和积极配合本次灯会圆满举办的社会各界、各部门、各单位表示衷心的感谢!向给予我们关注和支持的各位领导、各届人士表示衷心的感谢,向各位来宾致以新春的问候! 欢迎你们,为国家安全和改革开放保驾护航的解放军指战员、武警官兵、公安民警;欢迎你们,积极参与我国社会主义现代化建设的国际友人、海外游子;欢迎你们,为祖国的繁荣发展做出贡献的工业、农业、科技、文教、体育、卫生等各条战线的同志们,欢迎你们光临第十五届自贡国际恐龙灯会。 祝自贡国际恐龙灯会取得圆满成功!愿自贡国际恐龙灯会给您留下深刻的印象,愿开放发展的南国灯城给您留下美好的回忆。 祝同志们、朋友们新春快乐、万事如意!
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen: Happy New Year! Exhibit of lanterns inYancheng Four Seas guests, and stars.
Welcome you to visit the South lantern City, welcome you to visit Zigong internationaldinosaur exhibit of lanterns! Tonight, southern city of light luster lofty, lantern lanternblooming Millennium Park, Yandu is dressed up very pretty and charming, billion yearslong Xiang was dressed one's face glowing with health. Strong, optimistic, intelligent people of Zigong will sweat and wisdom converge into the lights blend of Grand View Garden, compose the cadenza culture in the history of the most moving lights.
Dear audience, in the colorful splendor to the world, you will be as "the best in all the land of the lamp" magnificent shock, exquisite and exclaimed, as the exhibit of lanternsand picturesque, beautiful and as the acme of perfection, you will be in Zigong exhibit of lanterns design producer member virtuosity, one's ability and cleverness are deeply impressed. At the same time, you will also have the heartfelt gratitude for the implementation and management of this ambitious project organizers! At the Zigong international dinosaur exhibit of lanterns during the preparatory period, the central,provincial, city, all parties concerned and the press paid great attention and support,hosted by the provincial government of Sichuan Province, the Provincial Tourism Bureau of Sichuan, Sichuan Provincial Department of culture Zigong City People's government, CO organized the exhibit of lanterns, the citizens of Zigong, primary and secondary school students, foreign friends to send light exhibition, authorities andpeople from all walks of life to make this exhibit of lanterns made valuable suggestions, enable us to the exhibit of lanterns successfully filled with confidence.
Grand display in this exhibit of lanterns on the occasion, we exhibit of lanternscommand staff, to express my sincere thanks to the support and cooperation of theexhibit of lanterns held society, departments, units! To give our attention to express our sincere thanks to you and support of the leaders, each person, to extend new year greetings ladies and gentlemen! Welcome you to public security, national security and the reform and opening up to escort the PLA officers, armed police officers and soldiers, police; welcome you, to actively participate in China's socialist modernization international friends, overseas Chinese; welcome you, make contribution for the motherland's prosperity and development of industry, agriculture,science and technology, culture, sports, health and other fronts Comrades, welcome you to the fifteenth session of Zigong international dinosaur exhibit of lanterns. I wishthe Zigong international dinosaur exhibit of lanterns success! Wish the Zigonginternational dinosaur exhibit of lanterns made a profound impression on you, andopening up the development of the southern city of light give you good memories. I wish Comrades, friends a happy new year, good luck in everything!